Strength Training for Endurance: Part 1

Strength Training for Endurance:   Part 1 Just like the Hatfields versus the McCoys, the Montagues versus the Capulets, and Snow Miser versus Heat Miser, Endurance training and Strength training will always be fighting for supremacy from the opposite sides of the street.  As Rudyard Kipling said, “never the twain shall meet.”  However, to refresh everyone’s memory, they all worked better when they worked together!  (Well, Romeo and Juliet didn’t really get the chance, but when they were together, it was pretty good.) Obviously, given our topic, you know that I’m going to tell you that STRENGTH TRAINING IS GOOD FOR…

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Strength Training for Triathlon: The Secrets to Your Best Season Ever!

When I say “... Your Best Season Ever,” I’m talking about you, the coach, as well as your athletes. The reason for this is that if you can get your athletes to focus on consistent strength training now, and continue that through the season, they’ll have much improved results with less injury down time, and your business will benefit from their success. I have three secrets to strength training that will get your athletes stronger, more powerful, and keep them motivated at the same time. In no particular order, they are 1) functional training, 2) power training, and 3) using…

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Strength Training for Endurance: Part 2

Ok, so just because it took me this long to hopefully prove something that you probably already knew, doesn’t mean you can just start pumping iron and reap the benefits of better performances. Not all strength training programs are created equal, but there are a couple of training principles that are the same regardless. #1 is the overload principle. Overload states that for any training adaptation (increase in strength, endurance, etc.) to occur, you must train at a level beyond what you are already accustomed. The one story always used to reflect this principle is the story of Milo of…

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A close up of Jeff Boyer competing in a triathlon wearing a swim cap

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