B LIFE – Here is where we learn, grow, and share stories about living the “TRI LIFE”.  Training science, race reports, travel, accomplishments, and more, to help educate, entertain, and promote the amazing athletes that fuel our team success!  

Winter Wonderland Team B Style

If you live in the northern part of the US, or anyplace where you get a certain amount of snowfall, it can be a big downer when it comes to your training. It happens every year, but you still can’t shake the lack of motivation during those times when shoveling is your only form of activity. Well, allow me to show you something you can do, along with the shoveling, to make the most of your time. Something is always better than nothing… Winter Wonderland Team B Style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZAOhnKo9Hc&feature=youtu.be Having a companion helps too…. B Strong. B Fast. B Fit.…

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2012 Lake George Triathlon

The following is my personal experience at the 2012 Lake George Triathlon: Lake George is really a beautiful place and a great venue for triathlon. Although the village where the race takes place is very “touristy,” there are many ways to escape that if you want. As I mentioned though, the touristy side is exhibited by the numerous small motels and hotels and knick knack shops throughout the village. We stayed at the Super 8 which is a) cheap and b) less than a ½ mile from the start. Convenience & price trumped any luxuries. Race morning: I was up…

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2011 TOUGHKids and TOUGHMAN Triathlons

On September 10th and 11th I had the opportunity to experience triathlon in a whole different way. I was not a participant, but employed to help produce the event and it was an eye opening experience that I will not soon forget! On Saturday the 10th, I had the privilege of serving as the Race Director of the TOUGHKids Championship Race. This was the culmination of a four race series for kids that had events in Connecticut, New Jersey, West Point, and finally in Croton-on-the Hudson. The age groups were 4-6, 7-10, and 11-14. The distances for each were 20yd…

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Scarsdale Patch.com Article

Helping Kids Race Toward Their Personal Best ... and helping families of 9/11 victims along the way By Kathleen Willcox Preparing children for the demands of the real world while simultaneously lightening burdens is all in a day’s work for Jeffrey Boyer. Everyone wants children to grow up to be happy, well-rounded, successful adults. What no one can agree on, however, is how those ephemeral qualities should be defined, much less how they can be achieved. One thing’s clear: children and adults are struggling more than ever. Test rates are down, obesity is on the rise, quality of life is…

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50 Excuses

I want to talk about “excuses” as they pertain to training, and to life in general. I’ve been dealing with them a lot lately, and it’s starting to get me down. I’ve decided that I’m going to make a list of as many excuses as I can remember hearing so we can all get them out of the way. That includes me by the way. 1. I got in late and just can’t get up to workout. 2. I don’t have time in my day. (see #3, #10, #13, #20, and #23) 3. I’m too tired! (see #1) 4. I’m…

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5 Simple Tips To Make Your Next Tri a Success

When it comes to advice for triathlon, most people know that you have to have a plan for training and nutrition, and that you should never try anything in a race that you haven’t done in practice. The following five tips are race day specific tidbits I’ve picked up along the way. Some are just common sense, others I learned the hard way... 1. Always have a race day checklist! ...and check it twice! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to rescue someone who forgot their goggles, or race number belt, or even worse, their bike helmet!…

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2011 Pat Griskus Tri – NE Regional Championship

The saying, “what can go wrong, will go wrong” has some merit. I’m more inclined, however, to go with “if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a Merry Christmas.” You can sense how this report is going to go, so let’s get on with it. The Pat Griskus Triathlon takes place up in Middlebury, CT. The venue is the Quassy Amuesment Park. I have to say that without a doubt, it was one of the most difficult Olympic distance tris I’ve ever done, maybe the most difficult from a biking standpoint. I will temper that sentiment…

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Partners In Crime

It was a misty and somewhat chilly Saturday morning, and I was out for a really short training run of 2 miles. Normally, 2 miles isn’t what I would call a training run unless I was doing some sort of time trial, or speed work. In fact, it’s usually a warm up. On this day, however, the training run was not for me, but for Diesel, my 10 month old Viszla puppy. This was his very first run with me on a leash for any kind of distance that didn’t include chasing squirrels, or doing his business. This was just…

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Strength Training for Triathlon: The Secrets to Your Best Season Ever!

When I say “... Your Best Season Ever,” I’m talking about you, the coach, as well as your athletes. The reason for this is that if you can get your athletes to focus on consistent strength training now, and continue that through the season, they’ll have much improved results with less injury down time, and your business will benefit from their success. I have three secrets to strength training that will get your athletes stronger, more powerful, and keep them motivated at the same time. In no particular order, they are 1) functional training, 2) power training, and 3) using…

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Open Water Swim Safety Rant

I’d just like to mention a few things about OWS Safety. From Spring through Fall in the Northeast, triathletes take part in open water swimming to be more comfortable and conditioned for their races. Swimming in the open water presents different challenges than you encounter in the pool. First, there are no lane lines, or black lines at the bottom to help keep you swimming straight. You also can not always put your feet down and stand up. Next, there are the elements. These include not just the weather (rain, glaring sun, wind...), but currents, choppy seas, animal life, etc.…

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A close up of Jeff Boyer competing in a triathlon wearing a swim cap

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